i-BEC is a non-profit association that aims to facilitate the development of a culture of business ethics and compliance through the comparison of different professionals from the world of business, consulting, academia, but also the judiciary, public administration, regulatory authorities. The debate and the experience that have developed, both abroad and in Italy, around the responsibility of the bodies for the crimes of their "agents" have revealed how the intra-organizational prevention of the so-called “white collars crimes” is a fact of culture before a fact of control. To overcome the horizon of formal and sterile compliance, compliance programs must be accompanied by the formation and dissemination of a culture of legality and ethics and the recognition of a reward for virtuous companies. The responsibility of companies, especially those that are most significant in terms of the number of people employed and the importance of the goods or services produced, is a value for companies and for the community, even before being a legal concept. With this initiative, thanks to the moments of meeting and to the publications that we will be able to produce, we hope to give a contribution to other entities already engaged in this field that we consider among the main interlocutors: the objective is ambitious but the awareness of the importance of the role of each one to achieve it gives meaning to the challenge.

Reference bodies of i-BEC:

Board of Directors

Simona Ventullo (Chairman)
Daniela Condò (Deputy Chairman)
Nicola Allocca (Director)
Fortunato Costantino (Treasurer)
Emiliano Di Carlo (Director)
Elena Gallo (Director)

Scientific Committee

Alberto Biancardi
Emiliano Di Carlo
Vincenzo Mongillo
Nicoletta Parisi
Simona Ventullo

Statute of i-BEC

To view the statutes of i-BEC click here

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